maio, 2020
20mai(mai 20)00:0024(mai 24)00:00Macbeth (+12) - online
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Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare probably in 1606, in the specific period of his life when he wrote his greatest tragedies – Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Lear, Othello, Timon of
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Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare probably in 1606, in the specific period of his life when he wrote his greatest tragedies – Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Lear, Othello, Timon of Athens.
For the drama plot of MACBETH, Shakespeare finds inspiration in the chronicles of Holinshed about events that took place in Scotland in the 10th and 11th centuries. Shakespeare brilliantly entwines two historical facts in the action: the murder of King Duff by Donwald (967) and the murder of Duncan by Macbeth, followed by his subsequent reign (1040/1057).
About two and a half millennia later in the history of theatre, and with all due respect for the great Greek tragedies, Macbeth is still the great tragic and universal work that, in an essential form, from the narrative point of view, exposes us and makes us ponder on love and power as boosters of man’s destiny.
The relentless saga of the tragic hero Macbeth has disturbing similarities with the present times. It is this political dimension of the work that makes it even more timeless.
Macbeth kills for love, lust for power and belief in the supernatural.
And therefore in this play Shakespeare celebrates the poetics of death and love, leading us inexorably through the inner labyrinths of humans, using an intensely poetic language.
João Paulo Seara Cardoso
20 (Quarta) 00:00 - 24 (Domingo) 00:00
Teatro de Marionetas do Porto